Title: The Export Gardener: An Amusing, Comical Memoir from a Ham-Fisted Australian who starts a Gardening Business in the UK
Author: Richard Harrison
Price: FREE
Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars(3)

The cleaner’s critique was reasonably kind, before the roofer chimed in. ‘Richard’s a really nice bloke,’ he told the class. ‘In fact he’s too nice.’
Greg wrote the words ‘Too Nice ’ next to my name on the white board.
Oh the shame.
Tasked with bringing an iconic Australian gardening franchise to the United Kingdom, Richard Harrison arrives in the medieval market town of Sevenoaks in Kent not knowing a weed from a wisteria.
His subsequent adventures are a rollercoaster of laughs and tears, from cutting down the wrong tree and solving a seemingly impossible watering puzzle to the bombshell that ended it all.
The Export Gardener is an amusing, comical, laugh out loud memoir from a clumsy, yet entrepreneurial Australian who travels to England to launch the iconic Australian gardening franchise Jim’s Mowing.
How hard could it be?
If you have ever wanted to start a business or you simply enjoy tending to your own garden, you are sure to be entertained by The Export Gardener and the author’s hilarious recollections and adventures. He falls in the odd pond, crashes his van (more than once) and discovers that stinging nettles and shorts are not a good mix, all while working weekends at various London Farmers’ Markets and trying his hand at cricket umpiring and playing again after a twenty year absence from the game.
The Export Gardener is the tale of a fish out of water. An enthusiastic and driven Australian steps out of his comfort zone and sets out to build a network of franchises across the country, all by starting and operating his own business in the Garden of England itself.
This book is as inspiring and motivating as it is entertaining and funny.
Join The Export Gardener as he introduces us to Mad Annie Marsh and Nasty Mrs. Phillips. Laugh as he cooks and eats his first and only haggis. Revel in the triumph of resurrecting Stephanie Beattie’s wisteria and cringe as a teenage school girl falls asleep during his presentation at Tonbridge Girls Grammar.
Come along on a pheasant shoot and delight in the peace and tranquillity of the delightful village cricket grounds that litter England’s south east before other events conspire to spiral things out of control and the real drama begins.
Amusing, heart warming and charming is how many people have summed up The Export Gardener.
It is a high yield crop of laughter and tears and the funniest book you will read this year.